Your content is king: it deserves the greatest reach


Satellite & Terrestrial Channel Distribution

You can reach your audience at home directly from the sky (Direct broadcast satellite, DBS / Direct-to-home, DTH) and / or deliver to any TV platform (satellite primary distribution). Our satellite uplink earth stations are all linked to our global terrestrial fiber network, making our hybrid channel delivery solutions more effective. Channel transport over the Internet brings another option to complement the former ones.

Via Satellite

Global satellite platforms

•Via Terrestrial

Our terrestrial coverage


What do we mean by terrestrial network?

Technically, our terrestrial network is a dual solution made of managed fiber and internet transport. Our managed fiber network links all our own satellite teleports (and some partners’ teleports too), building the perfect hybrid transport solution for your channel delivery across oceans and continents.

map Globecast Connect Points of Presence (POPs) around the world
  • It’s designed specifically for secured real-time, point-to-point and point-to-multipoint video services. We provide a reliable and resilient network.
  • Our engineering team has created a flexible foundation for any-to-any linear and non-linear video services
  • We power convergent audiovisual services
  • At last, a cost-effective model that’s also fulfills all your requirements.
  • Our managed offer has a 99.99% SLA. And our Internet solution almost matches that with a 99.90% level for the global service.

Our terrestrial network is best-of-breed, real-time video transport: state-of-the-art engineering for video services.

In other words, make your content available globally using the most relevant solution for you.

Connected customers


  • Globecast Backbone Network is a set of services and solutions built on top of a robust network designed and operated by us.
  • GCBN can transport and deliver content in many formats: ASI, IP, Ethernet, SDI, HD-SDI, J2K.
  • GCBN is tailored to deliver both distribution and contribution content to reach Globecast technical centers around the world.
  • The service is designed for reliable transport at all times: redundant paths and ring architectures ensure flawless worldwide delivery for broadcast content.
  • The GCBN geographical footprint is scalable with its footprint constantly evolving. We are continuously working with our partners to adapt its reach and anticipate customers’ needs.


map Globecast Backbone Network, Connect & POPs (GCBN)


  • Thanks to our fast set-up solution Globecast XN, you can reach new audiences with secure transport for point-to-point and point-to-multipoint.
  • It’s an easily configurable IP-based solution that provides cost-effective service and with a range of functionality. A comprehensive network management system for end-to-end management is part of the solution.
  • With our ability to set-up a point-to-multipoint, reaching more than 50 sites, our customers can entrust their main distribution/disaster recovery/monitoring services to us.
  • By using an existing destination (among our 50 sites), or creating a new one, our solutions are far-reaching. Moreover, with its speed of deployment, it’s internet delivery as a service.


Channels accessible via GCXN


  • For certain types of content, or other specific needs, you might want to move a large volume of important, uncompressed video, without interruption and securely.
  • Our Globecast Metropolitan Network is available throughout metropolitan areas in the following locations: Paris, London, Birmingham, Rome, Milan, Moscow, Los Angeles, Dallas, Washington DC, New York, Singapore, Nairobi and Johannesburg.
  • These are interconnected by our 124,000 km (77,000 mile) GCBN network
  • We offer a Guaranty of Restoration Time and we deliver network service availability to a minimum of 99.99% up time. All of our customers benefit from the very highest levels of service availability. This includes some police services. We’re proud to deliver the critical services they depend on to make all our lives more secure.
  • We offer a monthly flat rate, so you control your budget.


You’ll be able to access global satellite platforms and connect multiple locations with complete confidence, security benefiting from supreme performance.